Blog Categories
Lockdown Separations – How to Move Forward Successfully
Lockdown Separations - How to Move Forward SuccessfullySeparating from any relationship at any time can be tough, emotional, and challenging. Whether there are children involved, or property and joint ownership assets, unpicking your connection with somebody you have...
No Fault Divorce – Is It Time For Change?
NO FAULT DIVORCE – IS IT TIME FOR CHANGE?At Elaine Parkes we understand that family law matters are often highly emotive, especially where young children are involved, and require a comprehensive knowledge of the law. In 2018 a particular divorce case raised a lot of...
Harassment in the Workplace
HARASSMENT IN THE WORKPLACE At Elaine Parkes we understand that employment law issues can be very sensitive and a stressful process for victims, we always aim to establish a resolution through non-adversarial means, such as mediation. Our experienced Employment Law...
Flexible Working – No More 9-5?
FLEXIBLE WORKING- NO MORE 9-5? Interested in working in a way that suits you? You may want to consider flexible working. YouGov recently conducted a survey which has discovered that 6% of people in the UK still work a traditional ‘9am to 5pm’ working day, 66% of...
New Year, New Team
New Year, New TeamDuring this year at Elaine Parkes Solicitors, there have been a few staff developments and due to our expanding client base, these will continue into 2021We say a fond farewell to Elaine Parkes herself who is retiring from the company to concentrate...
Top 6 Things to Consider When Writing a Will
TOP 6 THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN WRITING A WILL Preparing to write your will can take a considerable amount of time and planning. You’ll need to think long term and carefully consider all aspects of your life. Elaine Parkes wants to help you ensure that your will is an...